Monday, October 13, 2008

Joey's Bath

His foot prints!!
My brother Ibn got me this beautiful roses
The girls at work were so cute decorated my room really cute. Thank you All!!!
He is all cleaned up!
I heard that he was really quiet and good at the bath
Checking her oxygen!!!
Steve wanted this picture because it looks like britni is choking him, she did so good he smelled really good and his hair was really cute and clean!!!
I love this picture he is just holding steve's hand and looks so peaceful!!!


Valerie said...

ANGIE!!!!! he's sooooo adorable! i told you that he'd have a ton of hair!!! congrats! i hope you are feeling good & getting rest!!!

Janice said...

Oh, he looks so sweet, I want to eat him.

iliana said...

Congrats! He is so cute, I love all the hair!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! He's adorable and I love the hair, I wish mine had hair. Keep us updated!


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