Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More of mothers day!!!

Mami maria made this really goog cake she is such a good cook (i don't know what she put in the cake but she said she did not have any butter can you make a cake without butter?)

Tio Ibn & Sole
Vini and Solenne

Em and sole

We went to Vini's for mother's day, the guys(vini, ibn and steve) and fa put a barbecue together for us. Ibn was a little late and he was the one tha was going to bring the meat, he is so funny we always joke that we need to tell him to come 2 hours before we get together and then he is on time, anyway steve made a taco salad that was super good and so while we were waiting for ibn's arrival we had the taco salad, the wait was worth it the meat was really good we had pork(yeah i know the swine flu we did not care)chicken, shrimp and carne asada. We had such a good time, thank you guys!!

we took some pictures of Joey and sole they are so big!!

Mother's Day

Steve asked me on Saturday if i wanted my mother's Day gift, ( the reason why he asked is because i can't never wait for surprises) but this time i said no it's OK ,i can wait and i did. On Sunday morning he came in to the room with this beautiful picture of me and joey when we were in the hospital (the day i became a mom) it's so good, he always tells me that is really hard for him to do pictures of people. But this picture is beautiful I love it, thanks so much for such an awesome day!!


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